Browse Month: October 2019

Right time for photography!

This year, the autumn made me fill my memory cards faster than I had time to empty them. Weather conditions in past several weeks in my surrounding (and probably wider) made mornings extremely photogenic.

Waiting for the fish by Aleksandar Beserminji on

Nights were cold, days were hot, and that created a lot of fog in the mornings, just above the ground and especially above calm water. While it was raising up, sun rays were coloring it to a golden fire.

All that made me want to wake up in the 4am, enjoy it, and have an adventure every morning. Although, the adventure was actually beginning the evening before, while I was planing where I will go in the morning, while the city is still asleep.

Checking the weather conditions, calculating when and where the sun will rise ( and searching for a location where the sun will potentially align with something interesting, as well as planning how and from which side will I approach the location.

Swan in the morning

When the sun finally goes over the trees and burns all the fog, I was going home with a memory card full of photos. Sometimes I was muddy and wet to my knees, but I was sure I have photos I will like.

Sada je pravo vreme za fotkanje!

Ove godine, jesen je učinila da memorijske kartice u fotoaparatu punim brže nego što imam vremena da ih ispraznim.

Vremenski uslovi kakvi su bili proteklih nedelja u okolini Novog Sada (a verujem i šire), su uticali na to da jutra budu izuetno fotogenična.

Waiting for the fish by Aleksandar Beserminji on

Magla, kao posledica toplih dana i hladnih noći, se svakog jutra stvarala blizu tla, a pogotovu iznad mirnih vodenih površina, i polako uzdizala, dok su je sunčevi zraci bojili u zlatno vatrenu boju.

Sve to je učinilo da mi ustajanje u 4h ujutru ne bude problem, već zadovoljstvo, i da mi svaki dan počne sa avanturom. Doduše, svaka avantura je počinjala veče pre, dok sam planirao gde ću se uputiti sutra ujutru, dok grad još uveliko spava.

Proveravanje vremenske prognoze, izračunavanje kada i gde će sunce izaći ( i traženje lokacije gde će se sunce potencijalno poravnati sa nečim interesantnim kao i planiranje kako i sa koje strane prići lokaciji.

Kada se sunce podigne iznad krošnji drveća i spail svu maglu, kući sam se vraćao sa punom karticom fotografija. Ponekad sam bio blatnjav i mokar do kolena, ali sam bio siguran da imam fotografije sa kojoma sam zadovoljan.