Vacation on Zlatar

1st of May

by Aleksandar Beserminji

May 1st, 2017

Zlatibor, Serbia

On our road to Zlatar, we stopped on Zlatibor for a lunch, where like in half an hour weather completely changed and started snowing.

When it's May and it starts snowing

When it's May and it starts snowing

but donkeys just don't care

but donkeys just don't care

Brdo, Serbia

Our final destination was Brdo, place where we were staying. 

Place where we were surrounded with views like this

Place where we were surrounded with views like this

...and this.

...and this.

Of course the vacation in the woods wouldn't be as good without BBQ

Of course the vacation in the woods wouldn't be as good without BBQ

Which was actually really really good ;)

Which was actually really really good ;)

Mileševo, Serbia

Not that far away from our place, we had a chance to visit some "history" and we did it.

visiting the monastery

visiting the monastery

going up and down

going up and down

then goind deep down to the cave

then goind deep down to the cave

and then back home

and then back home

Ledena pecina, Serbia

This one is the part of a tour which we booked, and it is a visit to the Icy cave. Maybe not the very best translation, but it was freakin' cold inside :D

View inside, with guides

View inside, with guides

Ledeni vidikovac, Serbia

Also part of the tour, and actually the reason why we booked the tour. It's one of the nicest viewpoints.

Approaching the viewpoint..

Approaching the viewpoint..

with accompaniment of Griffon vulture

with accompaniment of Griffon vulture

At about 200m above the river surface, we deserved to enjoy this magnificent view

At about 200m above the river surface, we deserved to enjoy this magnificent view